We operate a fundraising golf day each year to financially support our intensive programs.
We have now partnered with the rotary club of Gosford North who have kindly agreed to come on board with the organisation of the day. The rotary club of Gosford North have helped us out in previous years with the cooking of our amazing BBQ breakfast and we look forward to their continued support and partnership in the years to come.
Up to 150 participants from across Central Coast Schools, local Councils, businesses and community organisations have joined us over the past 9 years raising funds for our school to achieve program success.
We market the day in local golf clubs, Rotary clubs, business contacts, local papers and to all schools across the central coast and lower Hunter Valley. We have been regularly supported throughout the life of this event by Shelly Beach Golf Club, Gosford Private Hospital and the Rotary Club of North Gosford.
This year’s event was a resounding success with both Rotary and the school sharing approximately $4000 each.
Photos can be found here